Friday, March 6, 2015

BuzzFeed Clean Eating Challenge: Day 6

Today had challenges. I strayed from the menu, once on purpose and once on accident. Recipes here.

Breakfast: As I mentioned, I switched today's and yesterday's breakfast, so today was the Cauliflower Omelet. This was a much quicker omelet than the scallion one from the other day, and a good way to use up limp roasted vegetables. For some reason the two teaspoons of olive oil today was able to lubricate the pan more, and I was able to flip the omelet, although in a cheat-y way (I slide it on a plate and then turned the plate over).

Lunch: Arugula Salad with Green Beans, Salmon, and Dijon Vinaigrette. Things fell apart around lunch. I had to go to this stupid seminar thing that I really didn't want to go to, and it was from 12-2, i.e. in the middle of lunch. I felt weird being the only person eating lunch, and I didn't want to have everything smell like salmon. Also, this seminar was so awful, and to make myself feel better I ate three small cookies and some extra fruit. Then I ate lunch at two. I dressed the salad at noon, though, which in some ways was better, because all the arugula got coated and so it wasn't as bitter.

Afternoon Snack: Carrots and Cucumber with Hummus. I didn't eat all of this, because see above re. cookies.

Dinner: Black Bean Chili with Greek Yogurt and Zucchini Ribbons. More mistakes were made here. It was late when I got home, so I skimmed the recipe and put the whole can of black beans in when the recipe only called for half. More fiber, I guess. I liked the paprika in the greek yogurt, because it's super-smokey. I also added the green onions to the yogurt. The zucchini ribbons reminded me that I have a spiralizer that I bought on a whim that I've never used, and now I kind of want to do so.

Evening Snack: Blackberries with Pistachios. Didn't actually eat this, because of the cookies, the extra beans, and the late dinner.

I feel a little sad that I cheated, but not that sad. Sometimes life gets in the way of healthy eating, and that's ok. And at least now I know I don't have a gluten problem, since I have had no adverse effects from eating those cookies.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not nearly compulsive enough (well, actually, not compulsive at all) to completely follow any diet. So I don't consider what I do as cheating, but following along in the spirit of their recommendations. I will switch meals if I need to go out, or if I don't have what it calls for; I often don't eat all the food I'm supposed to on the designated day (I often skip the snack) so sometimes I'll put the snack food in one of their menus (usually dinner). And I often improve their dinner. For ex - there is no way I am going to eat anyone else's tomato sauce. So when it called for the meat balls with the tomato sauce, I just put all the ingredients into the meat balls. I then realized I should have just made a meatloaf! I could definitely use their template, fool around with the recipes and it would taste better.
