Sunday, March 8, 2015

BuzzFeed Clean Eating Challenge: Day 8

I think the hardest part of this is the emotional aspect. I alluded to this earlier, but I oftentimes use food (specifically sweets) to make myself feel better. It's been a particularly stressful time for me, which has been exacerbated by trying to plan around specific meals. I didn't get home from my office today until almost six (yes, I am aware it's Sunday) so didn't get to eat until nearly 8, since it took two hours to do all that roasting. It's why I generally like to make meals that last for a few days, so I can just reheat. Anyhoodle, recipes for today can be found here.

Breakfast: Blueberry Yogurt Smoothie. This was kind of tart, and boy did it make a lot. I probably should have cut the yogurt, since again, I'm using low-fat instead of non-fat. It was hard to drink the whole thing in 10 minutes, but I didn't want to be late to yoga.

Lunch: Shakshuka. This used leftover sauce from last night, so was actually pretty quick to make. I overcooked my eggs, though (notice a theme?). They were still translucent, I went to change clothes, and when I came back, BAM! Overcooked. Still good, though. We've eaten this before, and while I think it's often served with challah, it was fine without. This will probably get made during Passover (well, not this version, specifically).

Afternoon Snack: Strawberries with Almond Butter. Again, my almond butter is super-dry, so it didn't really drizzle. Also, the strawberries weren't that great.

Dinner: Roasted Eggplant with Chickpeas, Cauliflower, and Lemon-Parsley Yogurt. Eggplant is best covered with tomato sauce and parmesan cheese, but this was fine. Lots of roasted veggie goodness.

Evening Snack: Two Dates Stuffed with One Almond Each. Meh. I'm not a fan of dates.

One thing I've noticed is that I think I've been eating too quickly in the past. I'll wolf down dinner, and then still be hungry, so I'll get seconds. This past week I've been eating more slowly, and I haven't still felt hungry after eating. Also, next week is spring break, which is part of why I picked these two weeks to do this, but I'll still be in my office, so I guess it won't be that different.


  1. I think that this diet is a lot of work, particularly since I am still cooking for 2. I've found that the only way I can make it work for my life is to occasionally change days on which I make meals to fit into my schedule for the day. I lucked out with the blueberry smoothie - I had blueberries that I had frozen over the summer so they were really good. I cheated - after tasting it, I then added Equal. Then it was REALLY delicious. I agree on the eating slowly; I too am eating much slower and I have not felt hungry this whole week. I suspect that I will continue to eat very similarly even after this week on most days as I have a wedding to go to in Oct and I want to look my best! I'm very glad you got me to do this with you. It has jump-started me to lose weight that I have needed to do for health reasons for a few years and it is a healthy, very GREEN, diet.

    1. My blueberries were also frozen from the summer. I don't do fake sugar, though.
