Sunday, July 1, 2012

Frozen Green Beans

Green beans are not a vegetable that you should buy frozen. Some vegetables, such as peas, corn, and okra (to name a few) freeze pretty well. You can buy them frozen, or buy them fresh and then freeze whatever you have leftover. Green beans are not in that category. They get really waterlogged and then come out soggy when you try and cook them. This tip is brought to you by my dinner, which hopefully will still turn out well. Also, I'll try and post it, because I think it would be really delicious with fresh beans. I know I've been really remiss in updating this blog, but I have a few issues with pictures I need to sort out. I'm also going to just start fresh and not post all the back recipes I have, because I'll never post anything new if I'm waiting to update all the backlog.

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